7 Steps to creating the perfect Work or Study Corner

There are barely any environments left in today’s world where one can sit down, forget about everything around you, and put all your attention into a work project or studying for an upcoming exam. The ever-expanding sphere of information and knowledge forces us to always have our minds on a million things at once which is sometimes beneficial but when it comes to having to finish something, not so much!

Below are a few steps or pointers you can follow to set up the perfect study/work area in your home or even compare it to your current area in your office or home office and see what you can tweak and change to be more efficient when focusing on work.


1 – Organise

We all have the “My desk is messy, but everything has its place” moments, the only way to stop yourself from losing focus is by having a practical work area, and the only way to have a practical work area is to have a tidy and efficient desktop, nothing is in the way of other things and everything has its dedicated space. This counts for your computer as well. Spending time searching for files because they are not named effectively or working on outdated documents because you can’t find the updated ones quick enough will just demotivate you and lead to procrastination. Don’t underestimate the importance of a wall calendar, every device has its own calendar nowadays, but nothing beats just taking a glance at your wall and knowing what awaits you in the days ahead.

2 – Furniture

Furniture is one of the most (if not the most) important parts of having an efficient work area. You need to be comfortable when working, but not too comfortable that you fall asleep or decide to take the day off! You should choose a desk that roughly comes up to between your waist and rib cage when you sit at it, the desk also needs to have enough space for all the equipment you are going to need and having an organizational system built-in is always a plus! Our Plug & Play Workstation with a built-in plug point and adjustable shelves is a great example of an efficient desk for an efficient working environment. A simple chair that fits the height of the desk is also a must. Your feet should be touching the ground and you shouldn’t have to hunch over while typing on your laptop.

3 – Put your phone away

This point is completely based on what work/studying you do. If you work on your cell phone or if you need to stay in touch with the office at all times this point won’t work for you, but if having your phone on you is not absolutely essential to what you are doing this point is vital. Detaching from your phone while you work, or study will really allow you to get down to some serious work!

4 – Lighting

Always try to get some natural light into your study space, as anyone who has worked under a fluorescent light for 9 hours a day knows, lighting can make or break a work session. Natural light is good for you physically and emotionally so even if it’s just moving your desk closer to a window, do what you can to get some natural light.

Dim light can cause severe eye strain if you are reading or staring at a computer screen for a long time. For screens, always try to have a desk lamp that illuminates the area around the screen you are staring at, also check to see if your device has a blue light filter option or get yourself a pair of blue light filtering glasses all of this will help reduce eyestrain. For reading it can be effective to have a lighting source behind you shining over your shoulder to illuminate the pages you are reading from. Have a look at our Dwell Range for just such a lighting solution.

5 – Sounds

This is a tricky one; some people perform better while listening to music or using music to drown out the ambient noise. However, if you find yourself paying more attention to the lyrics of a song or more interested in the topic of a podcast you are listening to then this method becomes counterproductive. If you do find this happening, try switching to music without lyrics such as classical or orchestra or try an ambient noise program on one of your devices.

6 – Just Work or Study

This is one of the less of a physical point on the list and more of a mental point. Make sure this space is reserved for only work, this should not be a place where you eat or where you sit with family watching a show on TV. This space needs to physically represent your dedication and focus to getting the job at hand done, your whole body and mindset should know that the moment you step into this space, it’s time to work and get things done.

7 – Personalise

This is YOUR study space, and it must reflect that. Don’t be afraid to hang pictures that inspire you, or to use scented candles (Not the ones meant to relax you too much!). If you feel that all your stationery being the same brand or colour makes you work better, then make it happen. Personalising your space reinforces focus and dedication, you need to look forward to entering this space and you must enjoy being there while your work.